Kwa'mutsun Nation State
Modern Era Declaration
In an expression of common purpose, this Kwa'mutsun People has founded a unified body of originators whose duty has been to translate, for educational purposes only, from the Hul'qumi'num' language (which holds absolute precedence over any other language) into the English language, those statements of commonality that shall serve as the specific direction of the Kwa'mutsun Nation State; bearing in mind that the said duty is intertwined within more than 10 millenia of continuous, structured settlement within a defined territory; and, whose natural resources have evolved through time; as have the cultural and governance practices of said People.
The practise of said originators has been to determine with clarity those embodiments of social construct that shall determine the continued and successful individual and group relationships of those persons who, as citizens and subjects, are both obligated therein and, simultaneously, entitled to provide for and protect all of those persons who legitimately settle these Kwa’mutsun Nation State territories.
This Kwa'mutsun Nation State Charter is one of declaration of continuous good stewardship to the Earth as directed for through the Creator; namely, to harvest the abundance with care and humble respect; to nurture the continuance of these renewable resources; and, to harvest those limited resources with caution and awareness to the demands as shall arise in future
It is the purpose of this Kwa'mutsun Nation State Charter to provide education in the practise of good governance through the reign and rule of its sui juris Absolute Sovereign Her Royal Majesty Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem.
Kwa'mutsun Nation State